August 24, 2012

Back to School time fears

With the school year starting next week I thought this would be a good time to talk about my fears and concerns for the coming year. I know I really shouldn't have any fears by now. School should really be old hat for us, but it just never seems to happen that way.

Let's start of with my girls. They are starting freshman year and I've spent a fair amount of time on the phone with the high school. Most of that time has been asking questions to figure out what we need to register Duckling for school.

After not so great 8th grade year out in Wisconsin; we decided to have her move back with us and go to school here. A long story for another time.
We got her registered for school today. Yeah! The concern is that since she has serious social anxiety and has never been in a school with more that 150-200 students, that she will have a difficult time adjusting. Last night definitely made those concerns valid. Freshman orientation aka a chance to see friends and get a general tour of the school. Ladybug flitted about saying hi to everyone she knew, while Duckling kept getting more and more reserved and quiet. I sent Ladybug off to where the kids were meeting for the tours and called my husband for back up. He talked to Duckling and then I got her to go up with me to join a tour of the school. I was thinking "Yeah, we can do this!" after our tour, and then I found out that Ladybug only got 1/4 of the end of a tour. The school personnel sent her to wait in a classroom with another student (male) and said someone would come get them soon. She and the boy sat in the room for 20-30 minutes and know one came. They left the room at the urging of the boy's mom and did find a teacher who put them in a tour group. We are not pleased at all. Especially since when I've called the school about concerns, one lady constantly tells me "Don't worry, we haven't lost a freshman yet."
   Well guess what lady. Last night you lost 2 freshmen.
I will be taking both girls over to the school on Tuesday so they can tour the school and figure out where there classes are.

My oldest son will be staying at the middle school. I'm very happy with the teachers he'll have next year. One of the teachers is his Boy Scout leader, so he knows how Monkey thinks and what works best to keep his attention. I'm always concerned that teachers won't be a good fit for my ADHD son. I'm a little concerned that we don't have a 504 meeting until October. I called his guidance counselor yesterday and asked to set one up for September, since there are a few changes I'd like to make.
That about sums up my concerns for Monkey. Having teachers that "get" him and will work with us, and making the changes I want to make to his 504 plan.

My youngest has me full of worries. Over the summer we found out that Potato has a Sensory Processing Disorder NOS (not otherwise specified). Pretty much that means he's still the querky same kid, but now we know why he does the things he does. He has started OT (occupational therapy) and I would like for him to get OT at school too. This way our outside OT can focus on his feeding problems. The school has told me we can set up a meeting to discuss any modification I want to have for Potato. I just don't know what will help him.

Now you know my fears and concerns about starting school. What kind of fears or concerns do you have for the coming school year?

~Earthy Mom

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