October 8, 2011


You're probably asking yourselves, "Where has Earthy Mom been?  Did she fall off the earth?"

I've been busy working.  That's right folks, I now have two part-time jobs.  No more staying home, blogging, facebooking, and/or gaming all day around house work.  I have to go to work now, everyday.  I love my new job.  The hours are almost perfect, because I work in a school.  I'm home shortly after the kids get home.  I have the same days off as the kids and summer too.  Of course this leaves me with significantly less time on my hands to do all the fun stuff from my stay at home days. 

I'm trying to re-evaluate life.

Before I had all the time in the world to take care of the home, the kids, and fun for me.  Now I'm prioritizing kids and home and then time with my hubby.  After school it's homework, dinner, and running kids to activities.  Both boys play soccer.  All three of them are in scouts.  So we run almost every night of the week.  My hubby and I like to relax on the couch together, after all the kids are in bed, watching some tv before bed.  I'm still trying to figure out when I can get my blogging and facebook time in.  (Lets not even mention, that since Irene our internet signal has been seriously lacking.)  I'm planning to blog some on the weekends (like now) and maybe even at my other job, when things are slow.  So we'll see how it all works out and fits into my new life.

I'm not gone, just busy.  I'm certainly not going to stop blogging, because I love it.  I love writing and sharing.  It helps me relax.  It makes me happy.  And as we all know a happy, relaxed mom is a better mom.

~Earthy Mom


  1. I'm hoping to get a job soon which sucks because I love staying home with my baby. But we really need the money. You could always carry around a notepad and write on your breaks. Thats often what I'd do the last time I had a job.

  2. I started working again because we need the money. All the kids are in school, so I'm not missing out on stuff they're doing.
    I have just recently started carrying a notebook to write in. It has definately come in handy. Thanks.
