February 14, 2011

Spreading the Love

Heart cupcakes
I'm feeling full of love for my family, not just today but everyday!  So I wanted to make this Valentine's day special for everyone.  Yesterday afternoon was spent baking and decorating heart shaped cupcakes for my children to have as a snack with lunch.  And of course for a special dessert tonight.  Breakfast this morning was a special treat.  Instead of the usual, boring cereal heart shaped pancakes were served to all!  While I was making cupcakes, I found heart shaped cookie cutters I had forgoten about.  Since there wasn't time, or ingrediants, for cookies I decided to use them for pancake molds.  This worked out perfectly, after some trial and error.  My first attempt I forgot to spray cooking oil on the cookie cutters, so flipping the pancakes was a little sticky.  I recieved lots of "Thank you's", even "Love you's", and plenty of smiles.  Nothing makes a mom feel more loved.  :-D
Do something extra special for the ones you love today.

~ Your Earthy Mom xoxo
Pancakes made with Love